Wednesday Evening Advent Services
December 1 - 23, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm 2021 | 7461 Prospect Road, Sarasota FL 34242
Advent Worship Services we will be using the Sermon Series “Wait Upon the Lord”.
The season of Advent is characterized by waiting—waiting upon the Lord for his presence to be revealed to us on Christmas. In this worship series for Advent, we
look back in Scripture at those who waited upon the Lord for his promises to come to pass through the Christ Child. We also look forward contemplating how we should wait upon the Lord in this present moment of our lives, as God continues to make himself known to us. Dinner will be served following the service, be sure to sign-up if you plan on being there!
In this first Wait Upon the Lord service for Advent (Dec.1st), we wait upon the Lord with faith. Abraham and Sarah waited with faith for the birth of their son, Isaac,
and we wait with faith for the birth of God’s Son, Jesus, trusting that he will come at Christmas to save all people.