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BSLC Incident Report Form





The Parish Health Ministry Team has developed a document for reporting illnesses, injuries, or property damage that occur on our campus.
It is important to remember that calling 911 in any of these situations is prudent. The dispatcher can help evaluate the need for police, ambulance, and/or fire fighters to respond.
Once the issue has been handled, the person/people who directly witnessed the incident should complete the form as soon as possible and give it one of our pastors to be kept in a secure file in order to protect the privacy of those involved. There will be a folder containing these
forms at the welcome desk in the narthex.
Please see Mary Luecke or Christine Gruschkus-Wright if you have any questions about handling or reporting incidents.

Link to Form:  BSLC Incidents

Church Calendar


Updates pending February Newsletter




Grief Share


Parish Health Ministries

Service Guild

Super Seniors

The SuperSeniorS thank all of you who support us.




Volunteer Opportunities


We are all so happy to be able to enjoy Fellowship again before and after Worship Services, however we need volunteers to make coffee/clean-up, etc. to keep it going!   There is no pick-up required at Publix in August, just people willing to come a little early to make coffee and set out goodies.   And people to bring in food donations on the months (like August) where we don’t get goodies from Publix.   So if you have time to make a batch of brownies or cut some fruit up, please do and bring it in!    Please sign-up for a Sunday and help!

Thank you!

We are in need of outside help keeping our grounds looking beautiful!   Wednesdays we meet at 8 a.m. for Yard

Work, with a break for Fellowship at 9:30 a.m.  But you can come any day of the week if you have a few hours to spare.  Talk to Orval Stuckemeyer for more info.   Thank you!

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