Pastor and Staff Appreciation Weekend

December 4 - 5 2021  |  7461 Prospect Road, Sarasota FL 34242


Annually BSLC selects a weekend to show our appreciation to our Pastors and Staff in the forms of cards and gifts. This year Saturday and Sunday, December 4 & 5, is Staff Appreciation Weekend. It has been almost two years since our lives were turned upside down by the outbreak of Covid-19. With guidance from the Board of Elders our Church Staff adapted to the situation and continued to provide worship on-line and drive-up communion to serve our members the best way possible in-light-of the pandemic. Here we are almost two years later, and we have begun to get back to a sense of normalcy just recently having our Fall Festival which was a big success. Our Super Seniors Group are meeting again in person and other activities that had been suspended due to the pandemic are starting to take place again. Our Staff at BSLC has done an outstanding job in keeping things going during all of this so let’s show our appreciation as we celebrate them on the weekend of December 4 & 5. Special baskets will be set-up in the Narthex or you may choose to mail or drop off your cards and gifts at the office. On behalf of The Board of Elders, and our Congregation, a big thank you to Pastor Leavitt, Pastor Kuehn, Pastor Adams, Pam Rooney (Office Manager), Norm Vagn (Music Ministry), Doris Schnepel (Organist), Linda DeGuzman (Organist).

Thank you again for your hard work and dedication in making BSLC the great Church it is.

God’s Blessings,
Robert Morris
Chairman of the